Nature is an arrogant lady
She wouldn't let your eyes penetrate her beauty unless you stop and stare
Humans usually behold Nature while engrossed in another activity, never really devoting all senses to study her in her full blossom
She wouldn't let your eyes penetrate her beauty unless you stop and stare
Humans usually behold Nature while engrossed in another activity, never really devoting all senses to study her in her full blossom
We throw glances from the window of a train, through the pauses of a book, along chattering promenades, during a family picnic on a spring day ...
These short, unintentional, absent-minded looks do not satisfy a lady.
If you unplug from all beings and all matters, she will allow you to savor its splendor ..
You won't be able to see the clouds traveling through the sky, the stream of a river pouring furtively and purposefully into oceans beyond the horizon, or flowers swaying in the breeze unless you halt all motion and thinking and just stare ..
Like a lady making her entrance into a ballroom , all ceases to speak, all eyes shift to one being, one scene .
Nature is a proud lady emerging through the fascinated crowds, braggingly making her way among the captivated silence ..