Wednesday, March 6, 2019

One Year with Kinder ~

I write these words after a surprising discovery: I don't know how to deal with Loss .. 
I keep thinking about the healthiest way to grieve, is it crying about it, distracting myself from it ? I found myself writing about it, I can't think of any other way ..

Some of the few people who may read this, might think that I'm a drama queen who cries over the loss of an insignificant pet. However, the loss of a pet is no less important than the loss of a human being, sometimes even harder .. 

As you go out into the world, you meet people by obligation, you deal with them with logic and diplomacy .. But you live with a pet by choice, you do it with your heart, it becomes a part of your day .. Everything you do is spontaneous, uncalculated, even childish and no one can judge you. 

You grieve a pet not only because you miss it, but also because it teaches unexpected lessons and fills your heart with unmeasured warmth ..

At the beginning, I fell in love with Kinder because he is unbelievably cute and fluffy, a chubby little guy with character .. I feed him every day as any pet owner would do, but as days went by, I discover that he was feeding my inner power .. 

When you come to love a pet, the selfish part of you weakens, without you noticing .. When your pet is sick or hungry, the warmth of your bed doesn't matter anymore .. You actually move your lazy arse to check on him and you do it happily and lovingly, you actually sacrifice your comfort for the well-being of another creature. 

As he crawls under the sheets, he occupies the center of the bed and you don't mind sleeping stuck to the wall .. He unwillingly brings out motherly instincts as they are nocturnal animals, they voice their every need at night and you're happy to respond. You forget you're tired as soon as he jumps on your lap, purrs softly and rubs his wet nose against your cheek ..

Your clothes are full of cat hair, you clean twice as much, you shop for salami and fish around the clock, but you don't complain because you love them unconditionally, as I loved my Kinder and will always remember him . ♡

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Nature is an Arrogant Lady ~

Nature is an arrogant lady
She wouldn't let your eyes penetrate her beauty unless you stop and stare
Humans usually behold Nature while engrossed in another activity, never really devoting all senses to study her in her full blossom 

We throw glances from the window of a train, through the pauses of a book, along chattering promenades, during a family picnic on a spring day ... 

These short, unintentional, absent-minded looks do not satisfy a lady.
If you unplug from all beings and all matters, she will allow you to savor its splendor ..

You won't be able to see the clouds traveling through the sky, the stream of a river pouring furtively and purposefully into oceans beyond the horizon, or flowers swaying in the breeze unless you halt all motion and thinking and just stare ..

Like a lady making her entrance into a ballroom , all ceases to speak, all eyes shift to one being, one scene .
Nature is a proud lady emerging through the fascinated crowds, braggingly making her way among the captivated silence ..

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Time is The Image of a Heartbeat ~

     Time is not linear. Time is the image of a human heartbeat. Human hopes spark at random points during its course. It usually runs silent and tedious, even lazy on a Monday. Then, by a Friday, it climaxes with excitement over the promising possibilities of an eventful weekend. 

Time is the image of a heartbeat because it portrays how the idea of New Beginnings gives humans unexpected and unfathomable readiness to aspire for high achievements, collective ecsatic doses of energy that remain virtual, and for many, delusional. 

New Beginnings remain, for manyof us, just beginnings. Everything is exalted at a random moment in Time, then, it all quickly subsides .. just like the image of a heartbeat. 

January 1st, many of us start hitting the gym, announcing impossible book challenges, celebrating a new version of their selves. However, reinventing their selves is a process that requires constistency and perseverance. 

We cannot expect the inevitable continuum of Time to bring us instant magic .. Time is a tool, we are the operators. We can start up the engine and swiftly loosen our grip, or we can launch it with the intention, will and plan to carry it on with unfaded energies till we reach what's most dear to us. 

Happy New Year ♡

[ 20 days into the new year, I hope you're persisting, dreaming, creating little personal wonders each day .. ]