Saturday, June 28, 2014

All Hail The Holy Month "Ramadhan" ~

It occurs every year, it lasts for a whole month .. Yet, there is something eternally charming about the month of Ramadhan. Whether it happens to visit in winter or in summer, in spring or in autumn, no circumstance can erase the magic that every soul feels in the air .. It is the promise of a spiritually rich period .. A chain of days in which the human being senses a wondrous amount of energy and optimism despite hunger, thirst and heat.

Yes ! This year too, we welcome our dear month in the summer .. And with the bitter-sweet taste of summer heat, large crowds flew into the different corners of the Tunisian markets today. I was with my mother paving our way through the hungry-eyed gatherings so as to buy the necessities for Ramadhan.

 It is at once funny and delightful how you perceive the so familiar market you visit every week . It looks different .. it feels different; the sun grows warmer not hotter, the not so aesthetically random mixture of colours suddenly form a beautiful scene of humility not misery, the loud cries of sellers are not annoying but somehow laughable, the clash between vehicles and people appears surprisingly pleasant for there seems to be a subtle blend in the noises that makes the city sounds tolerable to the ear. We tend to accept the hustle and bustle because we know it heralds the upcoming joyous month.

However, as these blessed days pass us by, something vital slips one’s mind .. Persistence in our plans to improve, to forgive, to get closer to Allah fades away, as the commercials for food start to accumulate to fill our evening family times after Iftar, as such, eating away their brains and consuming these precious yet evanescent nights ..

One makes the New Year’s resolutions in January, but he does not fulfill them until Ramadhan. Sadly, they remain only beginnings .. And the beginnings are always zealous and beautiful .. The beginnings are always short .. People enter Ramadhan with a steady and determined attitude to make new and everlasting positive habits .. It lingers for a few days .. Little do they resist the pleasures, leisures and distractions of Ramadhan banquets, series, treats .. They are overwhelmingly abundant so much so they alienate the soul from the therapeutic effect and the healing powers of this Holy Month ..

The Ramadhan resolutions should be a lifelong set of resolutions .. To maintain them, one must constantly read the Quran, make Du’aa and keep the company of friends who remind you of Allah and the beauty of worship, for the human self quickly loses sight of its life purpose ..

Ramadhan Kareem to everyone J

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

كوني خليلة اللّيل ~

عرّي هشاشة قلبك لسواد اللّيل
 فهو يرعى الأرواح المنكسرة
 إرفعي عن وجهك برقع الإبتسامة الكاذبة
 دعيه يلمس قلبك بيده الشّافية
  فالشّفاء يكمن في السّكون المتفهّم
  .. في الصّمت الذّي يخاطب روحك المتعبة
 ! إحتفلي بحزنك
 وٱرقصي أمام هيبته المخيفة في جمالها
 إجعلي حياتك كلّها ليل
 .. فليس في اللّيل حزن، بل في اللّيل صدق و تجلّي
 صاحبي اللّيل
 فهو الصّديق الّذي يكشف العيوب و يتغنّى بها
 إنّه الرّفيق الّذي يمجّد إنسانيّتك المنقوصة
.. يجالس وجلك و ينصت إلى حركاتك المتردّدة
 كوني خليلة اللّيل
 كوني أنيقة الهوى

Monday, June 9, 2014

Once Upon A Wakeful Dawn ~

Once upon a wakeful dawn
Chopin’s Tristesse was resounding in my ears
Like a distant echo from a dream
I felt my heart racing
I felt the heat of my blood stream
Suddenly evaporated memories started to form
Of times fraught with anxieties and fears
Why is it that I feel so much at dawn ?
Why is it that I see so much at dawn ?
I behold my naked soul longing to confess
Was it the effect of Chopin’s Tristesse ?
Yes, It was an inner mess
But as I sensed the light breeze’s caress
And the sweet touch of morn
I did not feel so forlorn
Once upon a wakeful dawn ..

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Uncertainties die in a prayer ~

She was uncertain ..
The kind of uncertainty that terrifies you when you try to detach yourself from the shell that engulfs you to venture a pondering look towards the horizon ..
There was no horizon that night ..
The painfully similar buildings clouded her sight ..
 She lifted her drowsy head to behold the sky, she could hear her bones creaking and her neck hardening as if she is forced to hold her breath ..
Was it for the sight of the red sky ? Again, she was uncertain ..
This furtivess permeates everything she feels .. Her whole senses had to endure this sense of secretive darkness ..
Truths, as if transparent .. insignificant .. pass her by with the light breeze, unnoticed.
She could only marvel at the frightening redness of the sky ..
She was confused .. She knows that the purplish crimson sky heralds an imminent fall of rain, however, the air surrounding her skin feels hot and smothering ..
Once again, she was uncertain .. Even her resort to Nature could not bring her solace ..
She moved her tired figure and spread some cold water upon her aching organs ..
She was half awake .. Her eyelashes were pouring water over her cheeks, she mistook them for tears ..
Suddenly, her heart pounded .. Her sense of direction was distorted for a while ..
But, as soon as she touched the door knob of her room, she sensed a piece of smooth cloth ..
Her blindness through the corridors of the house guided her to the praying carpet ..
As she humbly bended her form towards Earth, she felt the heavy burdens of uncertainty slipping away from her body ..
She found certainty .. in a desperate nightly whisper that melted away her anxieties ..
It was Fajr time, she was at last hopeful ..